Amazon gaat in de wijn

Na een succesvolle samenwerking met en de aankoop van gaat Amazon nu echt zelf wijn verkopen.

Ik ga er nog veel van leren denk ik, voor mijn eigen online slijterij… 

GIANT ONLINE retailer, Amazon, is apparently getting bored
with books and box DVD sets, and is now trying to enter the online world of wine
selling, after posting a job advert for a senior wine buyer.

According to the
, Amazon says it's looking for a senior wine buyer who will be
responsible for "the acquisition of a massive new product selection". Amazon
said the candidate they chose would be "responsible for the acquisition of
massive new product selection", and "will work to build [an] entirely new
selection from the ground up".

It is not the first time that Amazon has turned to drink in its pursuit of
success. In 1999, the company invested $30 million to buy 45 per cent of the
shares in, a
start-up company which subsequently disintegrated a year later., which is the biggest
current U.S. online wine seller, sells gift baskets through Amazon, but not, as
the name would have you believe, wine itself.

Online alcohol sales are problematic in the U.S because of laws regulating
the online sales of the intoxicating stuff in different states. But in 2005, the
US Supreme Court ruled that state governments had to stop being party poopers
and could no longer prevent their residents from ordering directly from
out-of-state wineries, making it much easier for Amazon to find a way into the

Still, it may be too soon for Amazon to be toasting its own success. Since
the job advert was posted last week, the outfit has remained tight lipped about
what any actual plans may entail.

Bron: The Inquirer 

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