In Zuid Afrika moet 30% van het land zwart worden

Zuid Afrika

In Zuid Afrika is op dit moment 1% van alle landbouwgronden in zwarte handen. De regering in Zuid Afrika wil dat voor 2014 naar 30% hebben. En dat gaat niet zo makkelijk, dus er worden harde maatregelen verwacht.

Eind deze maand worden die bekend gemaakt.

Wine industry to unveil draft charter
Bron: Leon Engelbrecht

The South African wine industry is to unveil a draft charter at the end of the month on how to include more black people in operations and ownership, once officials have drawn up a blueprint on the thorny issue of black economic empowerment (BEE).

"We are hoping at the end of the month … the charter can go out for public comment and then it will be submitted to the minister [of agriculture and land affairs] for approval," industry expert Charles Erasmus said last week.

The document would then become part of the Agri-BEE charter for the farming sector, said Erasmus, the chief executive of the SA Wine Industry Trust (Sawit). He added that less than 1 percent of the industry was black-owned.

"Most of the financial and capital resources of the industry are in white hands.

"We have a huge disparity … so the trust is striving to gain economic and social justice for people in our industry. The government’s aim to have 30 percent black land ownership by 2014 is an important goal for the trust as well."

Erasmus explained that the charter covered the essential empowerment themes of ownership, control, management, skills development and social issues.

"The most important thing about the charter is that it will provide the framework for empowerment of the wine industry … we don’t have that framework at the moment so [there are] no clear guidelines.

"We hope the charter will finally provide producers, traders, sellers, labour and farmworkers – everyone engaged, everyone who wants to do BEE – [with] a blueprint or a guideline of how to do it," he said.

Lees ook hier.

En hier.

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2 Reacties // Reageer

2 thoughts on “In Zuid Afrika moet 30% van het land zwart worden

  1. Wouter

    De neiging tot “harde maatregelen” wijzen op een zelfdestructieve, Zimbabwe-achtige denktrant. Waarom niet marktwerking toepassen en blanken een marktconforme prijs voor hun land te geven en gemotiveerde zwarten dit met een lening te laten kopen? Zimbabwe staat momenteel aan de afgrond.

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  2. Hans

    Ja, ik vind het ook maar raar wat ze aan het doen zijn. Gaat niet goed.

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