Zwarten in Zuid Afrika drinken langzaam meer wijn

Zuid AfrikaMet de nieuwe politiek, die wil dat de gekleurde landgenoten in Zuid Afrika meer wijngaarden bezitten, groeit ook de consumptie van wijn door gekleurden in Zuid Afrika.

Wijngaarden gaan zich er steeds meer op richten.

Hier een overzicht van de belangrijkste in Zuid Afrika en wat ze doen om zich op deze markt te storten.

New strategies needed to reach black wine drinkers

Although the number of black wine consumers was increasing – with women leading the way – Anzil Adams, the managing director of Dominium Wines, said on Monday that a new way had to be developed to access this market.

Adams isregarded as one of the most experienced black businessmen in the wine industry. He has a history of more than 10 years of selling wine and is an investor in Phetogo, the black consortium that bought 25.1 percent of wine and brandy producer KWV in 2004.

"I still think there’s a cultural block against black women buying wine openly off a shelf.

"One of the things I am exploring is a direct channel … a distribution channel like Tupperware, for example, which is sold directly into the household. You actually expose them [consumers] to the product in the household, instead of having to risk the cultural environment by buying wine off the shelf."

He said it was important that organisations like Wines of SA (Wosa) not only focused internationally but started driving a "generic campaign inside the country".

Samantha Elsom, the marketing manager for wine and spirits producer Distell, said research had confirmed that there were more black wine drinkers. Findings concluded that wine was seen to be a very aspirational category, with drinkers perceived to be "in the know".

She said that while wine consumption occurred at a more formal level, such as dinners and functions, it was also consumed at more casual occasions, such as braais.

A pattern that had been identified was that black males preferred red wine, which was seen to have more stature, and favoured brands backed by strong heritage and tradition.

Andre Morgenthal, the communications manager at Wosa, said there was room for growth in the black market for wine consumption and an untapped potential needed to be addressed. A big part of Wosa’s budget was to be spent on research in the domestic market.

"I always tell people that when I try to teach people to drink wine in India and Korea, I think to myself, ‘Why don’t I travel 45 minutes down the road and… teach people to drink wine in Langa?’

"We feel, with the domestic market possibly coming to us, it would be high on our agenda to swing the emerging middle-class black market from high-end whiskies, cognac and beer, to wine and promoting the culture,” said Morgenthal.

Tai Collard, the managing director of the Wine-of-the-Month Club, said part of the reason for the growth in black wine consumers was that there was a growing pool of black South Africans with a "decent disposable income".

While there had been no local research done on this emerging market, Collard said he had noticed that sales to black South Africans had increased to 20 percent of total sales.

South Africa was echoing the US, where recent research showed that African-Americans spent more on wine than white consumers.

"In South Africa, black consumers make up the majority of the population. So the potential for them to make up a bigger percentage of sales is far greater," said Collard.

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