Gratis wijn uitgedeeld in Zuidafrika, nieuwe trend?


Een Zuidafrikaanse wijnproducent heeft gratis flessen uitgedeeld en aan de klanten gevraagd om te proeven en hun dan te betalen wat ze denken dat de wijn hun waard is.

What works for alternative rock music, might also work for wine. You
may remember how Radiohead got the world's attention when it let
listeners download its album In Rainbows, asking them to pay
whatever price they thought the music was worth. Sales of the album
reached USD 10 million. Since then others have tried the
pay-what-you-like marketing technique, including Paste magazine, which we featured in October.

South African BLANKbottle has gone a step further. The boutique winemaker's founder, Pieter Walser, sent 20 cases of its latest premium white wine Moment of Silence
to loyal customers on consignment, asking them to evaluate the wine and
then pay him what they thought it was worth. They paid up to ZAR 90 per
bottle (USD 11.80 / EUR 7.50), and the average price came to ZAR 50.
Since BLANKbottle aims to exceed customers' quality vs. price
expectations, the wine went on sale to the public at a price of ZAR 40.

Walser, for his part, got a high return on the wine he risked in the
venture. In addition to the publicity he garnered, he determined a new
product's price point based on the actual purchasing decisions made by
the winery's best customers. Feedback that's likely to be more valuable
than the opinions volunteered by focus groups or market research
experts. And by involving them in such a fundamental business decision,
he no doubt increased brand loyalty among the winery's core customer
base. One to try out with your own best customers!

Bron: Springwise

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1 Reacties // Reageer

One thought on “Gratis wijn uitgedeeld in Zuidafrika, nieuwe trend?

  1. Ruben

    Wat een goed idee! Niet omdat het gratis is, maar omdat het onwijs veel aandacht genereert. Het heeft absoluut niets te maken met ‘goedkoop’, maar met interesse en draagvlak creëren.

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